about me


I came to yoga years ago, following an instinct that told me this was something for me; something I would enjoy, that ended up being so much deeper. It gave me space to breathe and focus on myself in what was a busy and chaotic life. It taught me to know myself more fully than I ever expected. 

Practicing yoga ignited a desire to learn that I hadn’t felt in a long time, and I dove into teacher training head on. I expected I was only doing this for my learning, but quickly realized that I loved teaching and felt called to share this practice. Over years of study, I earned my 1000 hour certification in Hatha yoga. I find myself drawn to the slowness and stillness found within the practice, and the opportunity to see a little more clearly. I specialize in teaching practices that lean into these moments of stillness like Hatha, Yin, Meditation, and Mantra. 

My own journey has been one of learning and relearning how to rest. Finding healing through yoga and a deep care and knowledge of myself. Through these moments of pause, I’ve found space for inspiration, growth, and expansion. I’ve slowed down and created a life that doesn’t run on being busy. With this in mind, I designed the Radical Self Care program– individual self care sessions that create a personal self care practice for where you are in the moment, and Private Yoga Membership for students who are looking to dedicate themselves more deeply to their yoga practice and personal growth.

I’m passionate about teaching and caring for my students and am so glad to be able to share this practice and knowledge with you.